What are the common physical and chemical features of alkali metals?Solution in Telugu

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Physical features:
Alkali metals are silvery white, soft and light metals.
These elements have low density which increases down the group from Li to cs. (one exception density of K< density of Na)
The m.pts , b.pts of alkali metals are low.
Alkali metals are their salts impart characteristic colours to an oxidizing flame.
The heat from the excites the outer most orbital electron to a higher energy level. When the excited electron emitts the radiation and comes back to the ground state. This falls in the visible region.
Alkali metals can be detected by the respective flame tests and can be determined by the flame photo metry (or) atomic absorption spectroscopy.
Alkali metals when irradiated with light, the light energy absorbed may be sufficient to make an atom lose electron.
This makes calsium and potassium useful as electrodes in photo electric cells.
Chemical features:
i) Reactivity towards Air:
The alkali metals forms their oxides in presence of dry air and tarnished.
These oxides reacts with moisture to form hydroxides.
They burn vigorously in oxygen and form oxides.
i) Lithium forms lithium monoxide
ii) Sodium forms monoxide with limited supply of oxygen and peroxide with excess of oxygen.
Other metals of this group forms super oxides, The super oxide ion (O2) is stable only in presence of large cations.
Lithium shows a different character. It reacts directly with nitrogen in air and forms Li3N (lithium nitride)
(ii) Reactivity with H2: Alkali metals react with H2 directly in 300600C and form hydrides. The reaction can be written as follows:
Where M=Li, Na, K , Rb or Cs. These hydrides are ionic in nature. Their ionic nature increases with the metallic nature of alkali metals.
(iii) Reactivity with halogens: All the alkali metals react with halogen to give the binary compounds. The chemical reactivity in the alkali metals increase with increase in atomic number.
2M+X22MX (where M is any alkali metal)
All the metal halides are ionic compounds.
(iv) Reactivity with water: The alkali metals decompose water vigorously and liberate hydrogen gas. THe chemical reactivity of these metals increases as the atomic number increases. THe metal hydroxides are formed.
Where M=any strong reducing agents.
ii) Reducing nature:
Alkali metals are strond reducing agents.
Li is most powerful reducing agents and Na is poor reducing agent.
The standard electrode potential (E) is the measure of reducing power.
Li has highest hydration enthalpy. It has high negative S.E.P (E) hence it has high reducing power.
The alkalis metals dissolves in liquids NH3 and gives deep blue solutions, These are conducting in nature.
The blue colour of the solution is due to the ammoniated electrond which absorbs energy in the visible region of light and thus imparts blue colour to the solution.
These solutions are paramagnetic and on standing Liberate hydrogen resulting in the formation of amide.
In concentrated solution the blue colour changes to bronze colour on warming and becomes did magnetic.


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