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What do you understand by broad spectrum antibiotics ? Is penicillin a broad spectrum antibiotic? Name a place in India where penicillin is manufactured

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Broad Spectrum Antibiotics:
- Broad spectrum antibiotics are medications that are effective against a wide range of both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. This means they can target multiple types of bacteria, making them useful for treating various infections.

2. Is Penicillin a Broad Spectrum Antibiotic?:
- No, penicillin is not classified as a broad spectrum antibiotic. Instead, it is considered a narrow spectrum antibiotic. Penicillin primarily targets Gram-positive bacteria and has limited effectiveness against Gram-negative bacteria.

3. Manufacturing of Penicillin in India:
- In India, penicillin is manufactured in several places, one notable location being Pimpri, which is near Pune in the state of Maharashtra.

- Broad spectrum antibiotics are effective against a wide variety of bacteria.
- Penicillin is a narrow spectrum antibiotic, mainly effective against Gram-positive bacteria.
- Penicillin is manufactured in Pimpri, Maharashtra, India.
