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What do you understand by gas?

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Text Solution
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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Definition of Gas: A gas is one of the four fundamental states of matter, characterized by its ability to expand and fill the volume of its container.

2. Inter-particle Attractions: In gases, the inter-particle attractions are very weak compared to solids and liquids. This means that the particles in a gas do not hold together tightly and can move freely.

3. Particle Arrangement: The particles in a gas are spaced far apart from each other. This is in contrast to liquids, where particles are closer together, and solids, where particles are tightly packed.

4. Movement of Gas Particles: Due to the weak attractions and large spaces between particles, gas particles move randomly and rapidly throughout the available space. This allows gases to expand and occupy the entire volume of their container.

5. Behavior in Containers: When a gas is placed in a container, it will spread out to fill the entire space, regardless of the amount of gas present. This is different from liquids, which will only occupy the bottom portion of a container unless it is full.

6. Comparison with Other States of Matter: To summarize, gases differ from solids and liquids in terms of particle arrangement, inter-particle attraction, and the ability to fill a container. Gases have weak inter-particle forces, large distances between particles, and can expand to fill any space.
