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What do you understand by unit conversion factor ? How does it help to convert height in feet to height in metres ?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Unit Conversion Factor:
A unit conversion factor is a numerical factor used to multiply a quantity to convert it from one unit to another. It is derived from the equivalence between different units of measurement. For example, 1 foot is equivalent to 0.3048 meters.

2. Identifying the Conversion Needed:
To convert height from feet to meters, we need to know the conversion factor between these two units. The conversion factor for feet to meters is:
1 foot=0.3048 meters

3. Applying the Conversion Factor:
To convert a height given in feet to meters, you multiply the height in feet by the conversion factor (0.3048 meters/1 foot).
For example, if a person is 6 feet tall, the conversion to meters would be:
Height in meters=Height in feet×0.3048
Height in meters=6 feet×0.3048 meters/foot=1.8288 meters

4. Conclusion:
The unit conversion factor allows us to easily convert measurements from one unit to another by using a simple multiplication process. In this case, it helps us convert height from feet to meters effectively.
