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What enzyme is present in the saliva ? What is its fuction ?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Identify the Enzyme Present in Saliva:
- The enzyme present in saliva is amylase.

2. Understand the Function of Amylase:
- The primary function of amylase is to break down starch into simpler sugars, such as maltose and glucose.

3. Explain the Importance of Amylase in Digestion:
- Amylase initiates the process of digestion in the mouth. Since our body cannot directly absorb starch, amylase helps convert starch into sugars, which can then be easily absorbed by the body.

4. Summarize the Key Points:
- Enzyme: Amylase
- Function: Breaks down starch into sugars for absorption.

Final Answer:
The enzyme present in saliva is amylase, and its function is to break down starch into sugars, making it easier for the body to absorb nutrients.

