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What is dextron ? How is it prepared ? Write its one use.

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

Step 1: Definition of Dextron
Dextron is a type of biodegradable polymer that is formed from the combination of two monomers: glycolic acid and lactic acid. It is known for its biocompatibility and is often used in medical applications.

Step 2: Chemical Structure of Monomers
- Glycolic Acid: The chemical formula is C₂H₄O₃, which can be represented as HO-CH₂-COOH. It consists of a hydroxyl group (-OH) and a carboxylic acid group (-COOH).
- Lactic Acid: The chemical formula is C₃H₆O₃, represented as CH₃-CHOH-COOH. It contains a hydroxyl group and a carboxylic acid group as well.

Step 3: Preparation of Dextron
Dextron is prepared through a process called ring-opening polymerization. In this process, glycolic acid and lactic acid are combined under controlled conditions to form long chains of the polymer. This reaction typically requires the presence of a catalyst and is carried out under specific temperature and pressure conditions to ensure proper polymerization.

Step 4: Use of Dextron
One significant use of dextron is in the medical field, particularly in the production of biodegradable sutures and orthopedic devices. Its biocompatibility allows it to be safely absorbed by the body over time, making it ideal for such applications.
