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What is meant by chemisorption?

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Definition of Chemisorption:
Chemisorption is a type of adsorption where a molecule (known as the adsorbate) forms strong chemical bonds with the surface of a solid (known as the adsorbent). This process occurs at the surface rather than within the bulk of the material.

2. Difference Between Adsorption and Absorption:
It is important to differentiate between adsorption and absorption. Adsorption refers to the accumulation of molecules on the surface, while absorption involves the incorporation of molecules into the bulk of the material.

3. Formation of Strong Chemical Bonds:
In chemisorption, the interaction between the adsorbate and the adsorbent is characterized by the formation of strong chemical bonds, such as covalent bonds. This bond formation results in the creation of new compounds at the surface of the adsorbent.

4. Irreversibility of Chemisorption:
Once chemisorption occurs, the process is typically irreversible. This means that the adsorbate cannot easily detach from the adsorbent, as the strong chemical bonds formed make it difficult for the adsorbate to return to its original state.

5. Example of Chemisorption:
A common example of chemisorption is the rusting of metals. In this process, gases from the environment adsorb onto the metal surface and form strong bonds with the metal, leading to its degradation. This illustrates how chemisorption can have significant effects on materials.

