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What is meant by copolymerization.Give an example of such a polymer.

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1. Definition of Copolymerization:
Copolymerization is a type of polymerization process where two or more different types of monomers are combined to form a copolymer. This process allows for the creation of polymers with varied properties, which can be tailored for specific applications.

2. Types of Copolymerization:
There are several types of copolymerization, including:
- Random Copolymerization: The different monomers are arranged randomly in the polymer chain.
- Block Copolymerization: The polymer consists of blocks of different monomers.
- Graft Copolymerization: One type of polymer is grafted onto another type of polymer backbone.

3. Example of a Copolymer:
One well-known example of a copolymer is Nylon 6-6. Nylon 6-6 is formed from two different monomers: hexamethylenediamine and adipic acid. The combination of these two monomers through copolymerization results in a polymer with enhanced properties, such as strength and durability.

4. Applications of Copolymers:
Copolymers like Nylon 6-6 are used in various applications, including textiles, automotive parts, and engineering plastics, due to their unique properties that arise from the combination of different monomer units.
