What is smog ? State its damaging effects.

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1. Definition of Smog:
- Smog is a type of air pollution that results from the combination of smoke and fog. It is primarily composed of a mixture of pollutants, including oxides of nitrogen, sulfur compounds, and hydrocarbons. These pollutants are typically emitted from industrial activities and automobile exhausts. When these substances interact with moisture in the atmosphere, they form a thick, dark, soot-laden fog, which is referred to as smog.

2. Damaging Effects of Smog:
- Noxious and Irritating: Smog contains harmful substances that can cause irritation to the eyes, nose, and throat, leading to discomfort and health issues for living beings.
- Reduced Visibility: The presence of smog significantly decreases visibility, making it difficult for people to see clearly. This can lead to dangerous situations, especially while driving.
- Respiratory Problems: Inhalation of smog can lead to various respiratory issues, including asthma, bronchitis, and other chronic lung diseases. It can exacerbate existing health conditions.
- Suffocation and Death: In severe cases, high levels of smog can lead to suffocation, particularly for individuals with pre-existing health conditions. Prolonged exposure can be fatal.
