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What is the main difference in the structure of natural rubber and gutta-percha ?

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To answer the question about the main difference in the structure of natural rubber and gutta-percha, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the Composition of Natural Rubber
Natural rubber is primarily composed of polyisoprene, which is a polymer made from the monomer isoprene (C5H8). The structure of polyisoprene consists of long chains of repeating isoprene units, which can have a cis-configuration that allows for flexibility and elasticity.

Step 2: Understand the Composition of Gutta-Percha
Gutta-percha, on the other hand, is also made from polyisoprene but has a different configuration. The polyisoprene in gutta-percha predominantly has a trans-configuration. This trans-configuration leads to a more rigid and less elastic structure compared to natural rubber.

Step 3: Compare the Structural Differences
The key structural difference between natural rubber and gutta-percha lies in the arrangement of the double bonds in the isoprene units:
- Natural Rubber: Contains cis-polyisoprene, which has a coiled structure, allowing it to be stretchy and elastic.
- Gutta-Percha: Contains trans-polyisoprene, which has a more linear structure, making it rigid and less elastic.

Step 4: Summarize the Main Difference
In summary, the main difference in the structure of natural rubber and gutta-percha is the configuration of the isoprene units:
- Natural rubber has a cis-configuration, leading to elasticity.
- Gutta-percha has a trans-configuration, leading to rigidity.
