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What is the monomer of natural rubber ? What is the difference in the structure of natural rubber and gutta-percha ?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Identify the Monomer of Natural Rubber:
The monomer of natural rubber is isoprene. The chemical structure of isoprene is represented as CH2=C(CH3)-CH=CH2.

2. Understand the Structure of Natural Rubber:
Natural rubber is a polymer made from isoprene units. The polymerization of isoprene leads to polyisoprene, which primarily exists in the cis form. This means that in the polymer chain, the two methyl groups (CH3) are on the same side of the double bond.

3. Identify the Structure of Gutta-Percha:
Gutta-percha is also a polymer of isoprene, but it differs from natural rubber in its configuration. Gutta-percha is primarily in the trans form of polyisoprene, meaning that the methyl groups are on opposite sides of the double bond in the polymer chain.

4. Summarize the Structural Differences:
The key structural difference between natural rubber and gutta-percha lies in the arrangement of the isoprene units:
- Natural rubber (cis-polyisoprene) has a flexible structure due to the cis configuration.
- Gutta-percha (trans-polyisoprene) has a more rigid structure due to the trans configuration.

Final Answer:
- The monomer of natural rubber is isoprene.
- The difference in structure is that natural rubber is cis-polyisoprene, while gutta-percha is trans-polyisoprene.

