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Which of the following conditions is most satisfactory for diazo coupling with amines ?


Strong acidic


Mildly basic


Strongly basic


Mildly acidic

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The correct Answer is:D

Strongly basic conditions are unsatisfactory for diazo coupling because neither the diazoic acid nor its anion couple Strongly acidic conditions are also unsatisfactory for diazo coupling because strong acid converts ArNH2 to ArNH3+ whose ring is deactivated to coupling Hence amines couple fastest in mildly acidic solutions In mildly basic conditions amines become insoluble Also note that to avoid coupling of Ar+N2 with unreacted ArNH2 during diazotization of ArNH2 we use an excess of mineral acid As result most of ArNH2 is converted to Ar+NH3 which does not couple
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