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Why are addition polymers also called chain growth polymers and condensation polymers are called step growth polymers ? Explain.

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To understand why addition polymers are referred to as chain growth polymers and condensation polymers are called step growth polymers, we need to delve into the mechanisms of their formation.

1. Definition of Addition Polymers:
- Addition polymers are formed through the process of addition reactions, where monomers with unsaturated bonds (like alkenes) react to form long chains without the loss of any small molecules.

2. Mechanism of Formation:
- The polymerization process involves the breaking of the double bonds in the monomers, allowing them to link together in a chain-like fashion. This process can be initiated by heat, light, or chemical initiators.
- As the reaction proceeds, more and more monomers add to the growing chain, which is why this type of polymerization is termed "chain growth."

3. Definition of Condensation Polymers:
- Condensation polymers, on the other hand, are formed through condensation reactions, where two different monomers react to form a polymer and release a small molecule, typically water or methanol.

4. Mechanism of Formation:
- In this process, the reaction occurs in a stepwise manner. Each step involves the reaction of two monomers to form a dimer, then the dimer can react with another monomer to form a trimer, and so on.
- This stepwise addition continues until high molecular weight polymers are formed. This is why this type of polymerization is referred to as "step growth."

5. Comparison:
- In summary, addition polymers grow in a chain-like manner by continuously adding monomers to the end of the growing chain, while condensation polymers grow in discrete steps through the reaction of different monomers, often involving the release of small molecules.

- Addition polymers are called chain growth polymers due to their continuous chain-like formation, while condensation polymers are termed step growth polymers because they form through a series of discrete steps involving the reaction of monomers.
