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Why are artificial sweetening agents harmless when taken ?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Artificial Sweetening Agents:
- Artificial sweetening agents are chemical substances that are used to provide sweetness to food and beverages without adding significant calories.

2. Purpose of Artificial Sweeteners:
- They are particularly beneficial for individuals who need to limit their calorie intake, such as those managing weight or diabetes.

3. Inert Nature of Artificial Sweeteners:
- Most artificial sweeteners are considered inert, meaning they do not undergo significant chemical reactions in the body. This property contributes to their safety.

4. Excretion from the Body:
- Artificial sweeteners are typically excreted from the body through urine, which means they do not accumulate in the body and are eliminated efficiently.

5. Safety for Consumption:
- Due to their inert nature and the fact that they are excreted without being metabolized, artificial sweeteners are generally regarded as harmless when consumed in moderation.

6. Conclusion:
- Artificial sweetening agents are harmless because they provide sweetness without calories, are inert, and are excreted from the body without causing harm.

