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Why is ammonia gas not collected over water?

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Step-by-Step Solution

1. Understanding Ammonia Gas: Ammonia gas is represented by the chemical formula NH₃. It is a compound of nitrogen and hydrogen.

2. Solubility of Ammonia in Water: Ammonia is highly soluble in water. When ammonia gas comes into contact with water, it reacts to form ammonium hydroxide (NH₄OH). The reaction can be represented as:

3. Implications of Solubility: Because ammonia is soluble in water, if we attempt to collect it over water, it will dissolve instead of being collected as a gas. This means that the amount of ammonia gas collected would be significantly reduced.

4. Comparison with Other Gases: In contrast, gases like hydrogen (H₂), nitrogen (N₂), and carbon monoxide (CO) are not soluble in water. Therefore, they can be easily collected over water using the water displacement method. This method relies on the gas being able to displace water without dissolving in it.

5. Conclusion: Since ammonia gas is soluble in water and reacts to form ammonium hydroxide, it cannot be effectively collected over water. This is the primary reason why ammonia is not collected using this method.
