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Write one main characteristic of p-block elements or representative elements?

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Identify the Groups of p-block Elements:
P-block elements are located in groups 13 to 18 of the periodic table.

2. Understand the Classification:
P-block elements are also referred to as representative elements. This classification includes both p-block and s-block elements.

3. Define a Main Characteristic:
One of the main characteristics of p-block elements is that they can form both ionic and covalent bonds.

4. General Configuration:
The general electron configuration for p-block elements is given as ns² np¹-⁶, where n represents the principal quantum number.

5. Characterization of Elements:
P-block elements include a mix of non-metals, metals, and metalloids. Generally, they are known for being non-metals, but there are exceptions.

6. Trends in Character:
As you move from left to right across the p-block, the non-metallic character increases, while moving from top to bottom, the metallic character increases.
