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Write shot notes on the Heat of formation.

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Step-by-Step Solution on Heat of Formation

1. Definition: The heat of formation is defined as the amount of heat released or absorbed during the formation of a pure substance from its constituent atoms at constant pressure.

2. Symbol and Units: The heat of formation is denoted by the symbol ΔHf. The unit of measurement for heat of formation is kilojoules per mole (kJ/mol).

3. Types of Substances: The pure substance can be either an element or a compound. This means that the heat of formation applies to both simple substances (like oxygen gas) and more complex compounds (like water).

4. Standard Heat of Formation: It is important to note that the heat of formation of a pure element in its standard state is defined to be zero. This serves as a reference point for calculating the heat of formation of compounds.

5. Applications: The concept of heat of formation is crucial in thermodynamics and helps in understanding reaction energetics, predicting the feasibility of reactions, and calculating the enthalpy changes in chemical reactions.
