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Write the difference between :
(a) catalysts and enzymes

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition:
- Catalysts: Catalysts are substances that increase the rate of a chemical reaction without being consumed in the process. They can be either inorganic or organic.
- Enzymes: Enzymes are a specific type of catalyst that are biological in nature. They are typically proteins that facilitate biochemical reactions in living organisms.

2. Composition:
- Catalysts: Catalysts can be made up of various substances, including metals, metal oxides, and other inorganic compounds. They generally have a low molecular weight.
- Enzymes: Enzymes are primarily composed of proteins and have a high molecular weight. They are complex structures that often require specific conditions to function effectively.

3. Mechanism of Action:
- Catalysts: Catalysts can either increase or decrease the rate of a reaction depending on the reaction conditions and the nature of the catalyst.
- Enzymes: Enzymes always increase the rate of biochemical reactions. They work by lowering the activation energy required for the reaction to proceed.

4. Specificity:
- Catalysts: Catalysts are generally less specific and can catalyze a variety of reactions.
- Enzymes: Enzymes are highly specific and usually catalyze only one type of reaction or act on a specific substrate.

5. Reaction Conditions:
- Catalysts: Catalysts can function under a wide range of conditions, including extreme temperatures and pressures.
- Enzymes: Enzymes typically function under mild conditions (e.g., physiological pH and temperature) and can be denatured by extreme conditions.

6. Examples:
- Catalysts: Examples include platinum in catalytic converters, iron in the Haber process, and sulfuric acid in esterification.
- Enzymes: Examples include amylase (which breaks down starch), lipase (which breaks down fats), and lactase (which breaks down lactose).

Summary Table:

| Property | Catalysts | Enzymes |
| Definition | Increase reaction rate | Biological catalysts |
| Composition | Various substances | Proteins (high molecular weight) |
| Mechanism | Can increase or decrease rate | Always increase rate |
| Specificity | Less specific | Highly specific |
| Reaction Conditions | Wide range | Mild conditions |
| Examples | Platinum, iron, sulfuric acid | Amylase, lipase, lactase |
