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Write the names and structures of the monomers of bakelite. State whether bakelite is a thermoplastic or thermosetting plastic. Give reasons for your answer.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Identify the Monomers of Bakelite:
Bakelite is a type of phenolic resin, and its primary monomers are:
- Phenol (C6H5OH)
- Formaldehyde (CH2O)

2. Draw the Structures of the Monomers:
- Phenol Structure:
(A benzene ring with a hydroxyl group attached)

- Formaldehyde Structure:
(A carbon atom double-bonded to an oxygen atom and single-bonded to two hydrogen atoms)

3. Determine the Type of Plastic:
Bakelite is classified as a thermosetting plastic.

4. Provide Reasons for the Classification:
- Irreversible Setting: Once Bakelite is molded and set, it cannot be remolded or reshaped. This is due to the formation of a highly cross-linked network structure during the curing process.
- Strong Cross-Linking: The polymer chains in Bakelite are interconnected through strong covalent bonds, leading to a rigid structure that does not soften upon heating.
- Thermal Stability: Bakelite can withstand high temperatures without melting, which is characteristic of thermosetting plastics.

Final Answer:
- Monomers of Bakelite: Phenol and Formaldehyde
- Structures:
- Phenol: C6H5OH
- Formaldehyde: CH2O
- Type of Plastic: Thermosetting plastic
- Reasons: Cannot be remolded, highly cross-linked structure, strong intermolecular forces, and thermal stability.

