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Write the structure and use of DIBAL-H in organic chemistry.

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Step-by-Step Text Solution

Step 1: Identify the Compound
- The compound in question is DIBAL-H, which stands for Diisobutylaluminum Hydride.

Step 2: Write the Structure
- The structure of DIBAL-H can be represented as follows:


In this structure, the aluminum (Al) is bonded to two isobutyl groups (C4H9) and two hydride ions (H).

Step 3: Uses of DIBAL-H in Organic Chemistry
- DIBAL-H is primarily used as a reducing agent in organic synthesis. Its main applications include:
1. Reduction of Aldehydes and Ketones: DIBAL-H can reduce aldehydes to primary alcohols and ketones to secondary alcohols.
2. Selective Reduction: It is particularly useful for the selective reduction of esters to aldehydes without further reduction to alcohols.
3. Reduction of Nitriles: DIBAL-H can also reduce nitriles (RC≡N) to aldehydes (RCHO).

- DIBAL-H is a versatile reducing agent in organic chemistry, particularly effective for reducing carbonyl compounds and nitriles.

