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Write three differences between true solutions and colloidal solutions.

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Particle Size:
- True Solution: The diameter of the particles in a true solution is always less than 1 nanometer (nm).
- Colloidal Solution: The diameter of the particles in a colloidal solution ranges from 1 nm to 1000 nm.

2. Homogeneity:
- True Solution: A true solution is homogeneous, meaning the composition of the solute and solvent is uniform throughout the solution.
- Colloidal Solution: A colloidal solution is heterogeneous, indicating that the composition of the solute and solvent is not uniform and can be distinguished.

3. Tyndall Effect:
- True Solution: True solutions do not exhibit the Tyndall effect because the particle size is too small to scatter light.
- Colloidal Solution: Colloidal solutions exhibit the Tyndall effect due to the larger particle size, which is capable of scattering light and making the path of the light beam visible.

Summary of Differences:
- Particle Size: True solutions (<1 nm) vs. Colloidal solutions (1 nm to 1000 nm).
- Homogeneity: True solutions are homogeneous vs. Colloidal solutions are heterogeneous.
- Tyndall Effect: True solutions do not show Tyndall effect vs. Colloidal solutions do show Tyndall effect.
