A Natural Synthetic In 1970, Norman Borloug was awarded the Nobel Prize and credited with saving over a billion people from starvation. In what is now called the Green Revolution, Borlaug led the research and development over a two-decade span beginning in the 1940's to dramatically increases agricultural production worldwide. He introduced the synthetic farming methods already common in the United Stated and Britain to a global market,focusing particularly on the developing world and secceeded in hiking food production and saving lives. Borlauf's intiative calls for celebration. Yet,it is these same agricultural techniques-those associated with conventional farming-that have a bad over the last twenty-five years, causing the organic food market to a sour to a whopping $63 billion by 2012. These laborsaving,high-yeilding techniques bgan in the late 18th centuary and were perfected for nearly two centuries before worry spread that they seriously harmed the soil and allowed toxic chemicals to enter the food supply. In the 1940's while Borloug was busy feeding the world's impoverished, Albert and Gabrielle Howard-both accomplished botanists-were developing organic agriculture. Organic farming is the process by which crops are raised usnig only natural methods to maintain soil fertility and control pests. In the current food market, GMO's or genetically modified organisms, turn noses faster than saturated fats and soda pop. Instead,organic farmers rely on crop rotation, green manure and biological pest control, while excluding synthetic fertilizers,pesticides and growth hormones. Organic agriculture is said to promote sustainability, openness, health and safety and it standard are closely regulated by the International Federation of organic Agriculture MOvements. The IFOAM bases the foundation of organic farming on the minimal use of oo-farm inputs and on management practices that restore,preserve and improve ecological harmony. While this strategy sounds more "conventional" and effortless that what is now coined conventional farming, organic agriculture is actually quite scientific. Ecologically,organic farming is designed to promote and enhance biodiversity, so it must combine scientific knowledge and technologies to stimulate naturally occuring biological processes. For instance, organic farming uses pyrethrin, a natural pesticide found in the chrysanthemum flower, to deter pests and potassium bicarbonate to control diseases and suppress unruly weeds. Furthermore,where conventional farming focuses on mass production of each individual crop,organic farming encourages polyculture or multiple crops being raised in the same space . To replace nutrients, organic farming relies on the natural breakdown of organic matter by microorganisms like mycorrhiza, which forms a symbiotic relationship between fungi and plant roots. To relenish nitrogen, green manure is created by leaving uprooted crop parts to wither on a feild and is then used as a cover crop to fix nitrogen into the soil. The science doesn't stop with the crops. On farms with livestock, the feild of agroecology-which includes organic agriculture-attempts to provide animals with natural living conditions and feed. Just like in plants,organic farming rejects any growth hormones or genetic engineering in animals. The USDA has specific regulations in regard to organic livestock,demanding that the animals recieves only orgaic feed and are pastured rather than caged. Despite the popularity of organic foods, many argue that the concerns over conventional farming are a luxury of the rich. Organic farming yeild far less than conventional methods, uses more land and more labour, and is, therefore, more expensive. When prices rise and population falls, it is the poor that suffer. With the United Nations reporting 870 million people worldwide suffering from chronic malnutrition, organic farming faces a tough arguement against the capital-intensive, prolific conventional means. Science has a lot more work to do before organic agricultural methods can feed the world.
Q. Lines 39-41 serve to demonstrate that
animals that have been raised naturally are more content.
providing animals with unnatural feed is deleterious to their health.
agroecology is the first attend to unify science with animals husbandry.
organic techniques have also been applied to raising animals.
The correct Answer is:D
(D) These lines go on to show the science behinf organic livestock, so (D) captures their purpose. Choices (A), (B) and (C ) ar all assuming.
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(ii) बिन्दु A तथा B के बीच विभवान्तर ।
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View SolutionA और B एक पाँसे को 1100 रु. के इनाम पर फेंकते हैं जो उस खिलाड़ी द्वारा जीता जाता है जो पहले 6 फेंकता है। यदि A ने पहले पाँसा फेंका, तो उनकी क्रमशः क्या प्रत्याशाएँ हैं?
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