Germs make us sick.It's an elementory truth that we each to our children. It's why we wash our hands before eating. It's why we pasteurize our milk and refrigerate our food. When they do make us sick, oour ability to safely exterminate them is nothing short of a modern mriracle. Beginning with penicillin in 1928, antibiotics foreever transformed the way we both treat and prevent infectious diseases. Today, moreover,one can stroll down any cleaning supply aisle at a supermarket, and discover a bevy of products boasting of their broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity.For better or for worse, our culture of "germophobia" was hard-won by its proponents. From the time it was first proposed in the 16th century, the germ theory of diseases faced three hundreds years' worth of influential nayasayers and it was not until the late 1800's that the theory began to gain the pervasive public vindication it enjoys todays. However, an emerging body of research indicates that we have been perhaps overzealous in our crusade to eradicate the germs that live within us. The "human microbiome" refers collectively to the microscopic organisms that application of dynamic ecological theories to this biome represents a rapidly expanding feild of study. Comprised of fungi, viruses, archaea and perhaps 1000 species of bacteria, the population of this microbiome is thought to outnumber our own cells, a significant portion of these organisms play crucial roles in our metabolic and immunological processes. For example, Oxalobacter formigenes, Which colonizes the colon, is primary source of the enzymes oxalyl-CoA decarboxylase, which allows us to safely eliminate dietary exalata. Without this enzyme, calcium oxalate saltts tend to accumulate in the kidney tubules and eventually precipitate as renal stones. Other colonic bacteria catalyze the reduction of bilirubin into urobilinogen: a reaction critical to our digestion of fats, and absorption of fat-soluable vitamins. Interestestinal tracts also directly synthesize sevweral vitamins in excess of their own metabolic needs, and as a result, represent an important source of both vitamin B12, which is necessary for the production of new red blood cells and vitamin k, which is a cofactor in the synthesis of several blood clooting factors. The benefits we gain from a balanced, thriving microbiome are diverse and we are only just beginning to appriciate their true complexity, through perhaps no signal function it serves is more significant than its role in regulating our immune systems. There are numerous mechanisms by which the microbiome helps protect us from diseases. Some speices, for instance, secrete special proteins, known as "bacteriocins" that are directly toxic to pathogenic bacteria, but harmless to our own cells. One particularly impressive members of the microbiome, Lactobacillus, produces a powerful bacteriocin called reuterin, as well as lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide, which inhibits the growth of disease- causing organisms by lowering local pH and damaging lipids membranes repectively. Of no less importance, there are a number of more indirect, ecological-oriented ways in which the microbiome confers protection to its host. abundant colonization of our bodies by benign microorganisms, for example, inhibits the overgrowth of more dangerous ones through the sheer depletion of microbial nutrients. This notion of ecological balance has been of particular interest to scientists studying the microbiome, as it hinges upon both the variable diversity of species that colonizes an individual, as well as fators that affect the dynamism of a microbiotic population. Age, geography, diet, and stress have all been implicated in influencing both the composition and balance of the microbiome. None, however, has been shown to have so drastic an affect as the use of antibiotics, wich unlike bacteriocins, trend to be just as deadly to disease-causing bacteria as they are to those that colonize us naturally. Admittedly, antibiotics save lives. Yet our decision to use them must be weighed carefully, as artificially as, artifiicially upsetting the ecological balance of our bodies can have direconsequences. These is perhaps no greater example of this than Clostridium difficile, a colonic bacterium that is both highly resistant to antibiotics and an increasing cause of hospital-acquired disease. When properly counterbalanced by its neighbouring species, C. diffcile is harmless to humans. However, following the administration of antibiotics and the elimination of its ecological competitors. C. diff prolifernation procedds unchecked, resulting in a frequently fatal infection for which very few effective treatment exist.
Q. The pararaph in lines 14-25 most directly severs to
articulate that while society has now embraced germ theory, taking the theory too far may be detrimental.
argue that germophobia has continued to be a major obstacles to scientific progress.
point out the shortcomings of germs theory by presenting the valid concerns of germophobics.
present the many ways that germs theory has concrete applications to everyday life.
The correct Answer is:A
(A) The second paragraph expresses a turning point withiin the introduction where the author suggests that we have been too adanmant in our germophobia, making (A0 correct. There is no evidence for (B). Choice (C ) is contradiactive because the valid concerns of germophobics would support rather than refute germs theory. and choice (D) would inaccurately indicates that the purpose of this paragraph was to show the everyday instances of germs theory, in fact,this paragraph gives a historical reminiscence of germs theory before positing the arguement that the elimination of all germs is not necessarily the best approach to human health.
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