If one were to set out to form a nation based on democratic principles, thee would be essentially two paths to take: presidential or parliamentary. Both hold their own in terms of advantages and disadvatages, and both possess the endorsement of great prosperous nations. Parliamentary is the far more common order, but many attribute its prevalence to the legacy of the british empire rather than to its superiority. The disparity between the two is hardly subtle. In a presidential system, the executive and legislative branches of government are completely independent of one another such as in the united states of America. The president, elected directly by the people, is a national figure that is at once the head of government and state, but is separate and distinct from congress, the lawmaking body. One the other hand,a parliamentary system is a fusion of executive and legislative powers with the executive most often called prime minister, being a member of parliament . In the latter arrangement members of parliament, the legislative assembly, are elected by the people but then choose amongst themselves the most fit to be executive. Most often, a monarch, like in Great britain, is given the ressponsibility of head ing the state and being the icon of national ceremony. Other divergence occurs in the term limits and standards of accountablitiy in which the executive is held to . For instance, the presidential model allows for fixed terms and scheduled elections. As such the president enjoys the assurance of a secure term in which he or she can work to establish and meet goals for the nation's advance. Only in situations where th epresident ins found guilty of serious crimes will he or she be removed from office before the end of the term conversely, the prime minister is subject to much more scrutny and job insecurity. Legislatures within this model of government are expected to question the prime minister directly on a weely basis and are able to remove the executive any time confidence is lost in his or her ability. character, or judgment. Hence parliamentary systems are subject to random elections that can more easliy replae an unfit leader. Advocates of the presidential model posit that tit sis more democratic because the people themselves choose their executive. They contend that the fixed terms even allow for some stability thath parliamentary organization does not allow. Likewise, a further benefit lies in the separation of powers subject to checks and baances, in which the executive and legislative bodies are able to monitor one another and assure that power is not centralized. yet, critics of the system allow that the president's national status affords tendencies toward authoritarianism. futhermore, as a rule, deadlocks or stalemates are much more common within a system that often has executive and legislative bodies under the control of different parties. cynics therefore suggest that the presidential model is privy to discord and inefficieny not to mention, presdents are difficult to remove when thought to be unfit. Those in favor of the parliamentary model belive that the fused government allows for unity and harmony that is all but alien whithin the former. Not only is it faster and easier to pass legislation, but more often than not, the government operates more cooperatively. Since it is very unlikely that the ruling party will choose a prime minister from another party, the executive and legislative bodies are almost always working in accord. Moreover, when a prime minister is decided unfit, he or she can be removed and replaced right away. This system, they argue, is much more efficient and less prone to curruption. yet, not everyone agrees. Whith the legislature holding supreme power Crities contend that ' tyranny of the majority is all too likely. Not only are the people not directly electing their leader, legislation passsed by parliament. The minority parties have virtually no say and the rulling party of the assembly can easliy manipulate when the prime minister will be replaced and when electins will be held. The two systes represent very different approaches to democracy, and as such, operate so One must condider both democratic ideals and effectiveness in deciding the best way to select a leader. Wheile presidential elections can become feeble popularity contests, centralized power is a real concern.
(Q) 12. The approach of the author is best described as
neutral and pessimistic
passionate and strong -willed
analytical and objective
technical and predisposed
The correct Answer is:C
Since the author sustains an attitude that is both informative and impartial, (c) is the correct answer. While the authoris certainly neutral, he or she is not pessimistic, passionate, or predisposed about either system of government
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यदि किसी भिन्न के अश और हर दोनों में 2 जोड़ दिया जाए, तो वह 911 हो जाती है ।यदि अश और हर दोनों में 3 जोड़ दिया जाए , तो वह 56 हो जाती है । वह भिन्न ज्ञात कीजिए ।
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(a) SO2−4 को Cu2+ के कक्ष में मिलाया जाए |
(b) CuSO4 का विलयन Cu2 कक्ष में मिलाये जाए ।
(c ) SO2−4,Zn2+ कक्ष में मिलाये जाए ।
(d) Zn इलेक्ट्रोड का आकर बड़ा कर दिया जाए ।
View Solutionक्षार धातुओं व मुद्रा धातुओं दोनों के बाह्य कोश में एक इलेक्ट्रॉन होता है किन्तु क्षार धातुएं मुद्रा धातुओं की तुलना में बहुत अधिक क्रियाशील होती है क्यों ?
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