It is a pestilence that has harried civilizations since at least the time of Homer. What's more, it has done so with such rountine periodicity that, in our modern age of annual inoculations, the enduring danger of this disease has grown all too easy to take for granted. Influenza owes its name to physicians of the Italian renaissance, who believed it was caused by inauspicious astrological " influences. " Today , of course we know it to be the result of infection by one of several closely related strains of virus. However, unlike other viruses for which vaccines are available-several of which , through tenacious public health efforts, have been eradicated worldwide influenza remains a perennial menace, and due to the unique nature of its genome, is unlikely to ever be completly conquered. Traditionally, outbreaks of influenza are classified as either' epidemic, " in which the incidence o the disease increases significantly within a given communtiy, or " pandemic, In which the incidence increases over a much larger region, such as a continent. While superficially the distinction may seem arbitrary, in fact it relects two well -delineated facets of the influenza virus replication process. In the Northern hemisphere, " Fu season" spans from November to April, and represents an annual recurrence of influenza epidemics among communities situatede in this part of the world. Pandemic outbreaks, though not nearly as common, also seem to follow an approximate epidemiological pattern, typically occurring about three times per century. In the 20th century, these outbreaks included spanish flu in 1918, Asian flu in 1957, and Hong Kong Flu in 1968. Of the three, spanish flue was by far the most devastating. With an estimated mortality as high as 100 million, its deadliness was on par with that of the infamous Black plague, which ravaged Eurasia in the middle ages. "Antigennic drift" and Antigenic shift" are the two fchief processes through which influenza circumvents our adaptive immunity. And are though to be the causes of epidemic and apndemi influenza, respectively to understand these two processes, it is necessary to have a working knwledge of the virus itself. There are three known species of influenza virus- influenza A,B and C- each of which consists of eight segments of RNA contained within a protein capsid, which in turn is surrounded by a lipid envelope. Collectively, these RNA segments code for eleven proteins, two of which upon synthesis, are expressed on the envelope's exterior. these two proteins a4e known as hemagglutinin (HA), and neuraminidase (NA), In terms of the viral life cycle, HA is responsible for attaching to sugar residues that coat eh cells of our respiratory tracts. Once the virus has infected a cell and replicated within its nucleaus, NA cleaves these residues, allowing the virus to spread further throughout the body. because hA and NA are the outermost viral proteins, it is specifically against these two antigensthat our white blood cells ccreate antibodies. Furthermore, among the diverse trains of influenza, genetically encoded differences exist in the types of hA or NA expressed. This allows scientist to sub-classify strains abased on the specific antibodies produced against them . For instance, the H1 N1 strain was reponsible for both spanish flu, as well as the swine flu pandemic of 2009, while H5N1 caused the Avian flu epidemic of 2004 Random point mutation to the genes encoding HA and NA is one way in which these subtypes evolve, and can moreover, interfere with the efficacy of our antibodies. The aggregation of many point mutations over time is referree to as antigenic drift, and eventually results in renewed vulnerability to viral strains against which an individual was previously immune,. Notably, influenza A lacks the ability to proofread and correct its genetic material during replication, and as a result, is prone to a much higher rate of mutation than other species of influenza. For this reason in particular, influenza A is responsible for the vast majortiy of annual epidemics. To date, 16 HA and 9 NA subtypes have been identified, only a fraction of which are currently infectious to humans. However, because the influenza genome is split into segments, when an animal - a bird, for instance is co-infected with a strain specific to its species, as well as one capable of infecting humans, the segments may becaome intermized during replication in a process called" Viral reassortment. " When the genes implicated in reassortment include either HA or NA, antigenic shift occurs, and the resulting viral particles will express novel proteins to which the entire human race is vulnerable.
(Q) 44. As used in line 21, the word " epidemic" would best describe which of the flu outbreaks in the table?
The correct Answer is:D
The author defines epidemic as being contained to a given communty and differentiates it from pandemic, in which the incidences occurs over a much larger region. From the table, we can see that only the outbreaks in 2005 and 2013 were confined to a region, while the others went global.
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View Solutionसिध्द कीजिए की c का एक ऐसा मान है जिसके लिए निकाय cx+3y=c−3 और 12x+cy=cके अपरिमित रूप से अनेक हल है इस मान ज्ञात कीजिए ।
View Solutionअ के एक लाटरी में तीन शेयर हैं जिनमें 3 इनाम हैं तथा 6 रिक्त हैं। ब का एक लाटरी में 1 शेयर है जिसमें 1 इनाम तथा 2 रिक्त हैं। दिखाइये कि अ के जीतने की प्रायिकता का ब के जीतने की प्रायिकता से अनुपात 16 : 7 है।
View Solutionएक यौगिक MpXq में X की घनीय संवृत संकुलन (ccp) व्यवस्था है । इसकी इकाई सेल नीचे दी गई है । यौगिक का मुलानुपाती सूत्र है ।
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