Lionel was in bad shape. He was bloodied and beaten. He was too weak to haul his poor, Broken little body inside the house. By the time Nola saw him, his battered body had already lost too much blood. Lionel, the duck, died a few minutes later.
When Nola broke the news to her customers. They were devastated. One elderly gentleman was especially heart-broken. He used to feed Lionel a slice of bread or a biscuit which he kept in his each other's company. When he heard about Lionel's death, the old man sat down on the same bench and let the tears run freely down his cheeks. Two weeks later, he was dead.
Nola also had to tell the children who used to play with Lionel on their way to school. Lionel waddled around them, muttering and letting them feel his soft white feathers while they waited for the bus. Some of the children made sympathy cards for Nola. She also received many condolences a few from friends and many from strangers. It was only them that we realized how many friends Lionel had made, how many hearts he had touched. It seemed as if the whole town was mourning his death.
Nola received many condolences from friends and strangers. She felt _____
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View SolutionHe stalks in his vivid stripes
The few steps of his cage
On pads of velvet quiet
In his quiet rage
He should be lurking in shadow
Sliding through long grass
Near the water hole
Where plump deer pass
He should be snarling around houses
At the jungle's edge
Baring his white fange, his claws
Terrorizing the village!
But he is locked in the concrete cell
His strength behind bars
Stalking the length of his cage
Ignoring visitors
He hears the last voice at night
The patrolling cars
And stares with his brilliant eyes
At the brilliant stars.
Where does the tiger described in the poem live ?
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Receptionist : I’m sorry. There’s a long waiting list. You will have to wait for at least two weeks.
Patient : But by then I can die.
Receptionist : No problem.
A patient went to his doctor’s clinic and asked the receptionist (a) ________________ ___________________with the doctor that evening. He said to the receptionist that he was very sick. The receptionist apologised saying that there (b)______________________ ____________ . She further added that (c)________________________________________ for at least two weeks. When the patient said that he could be dead by then, the receptionist calmly replied that (d)_________________________________________.
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