Smoking tobacco causes cancer. It causes small cell and squamous cell cancers of the lung. As well as oral and nasopharyngeal carcinoma, gastrointestinal carcinoma, and cancers of half a doxen additional tissues. It is highly correlated with the second leading cause of death in the United states, and the decision to not smoke reduces one's risk of lung cancer by more than half. this information will surprise no one. it is therefore baffling that 1 in 5 americans continues to use tobacco. yet there is one behavior on the rise that is still more contrary to human health than smoking - and perhaps more inexplicable as wel, as it cannot be exploned away by chemical dependnce, nor by social custom. I speak, of course, of the decision to not vaccinate one's children There is apparently a belief among these erring individuals that the ailments againt which the centers for disease control recommends we vaccinate are somehow less serious than wwe as a society, have been led to believe. there is a belief, moreover, that because these diseases are easily preventable through modern medical science, they must implicity, be easily treatable as well. Let us clarify this matter. Not long before it was eradicated by vaccination, smallpox virus erased entire cultures on two continents, where fatality rates rose as high as 90%. for those who survived, it was a cuase of permanent, often debilitating disfigurement. Prior to the HiBand DTaP vaccines, epiglottitis caused by haemophilus influenzae, and diphtheria caused by corynebacterium diptheriae were both exceedingly common causes of death in young children, largely because of their tendency to develop rapidly and obstruct the airway. Death typically occurs well before medical attention can be caccessed, and thus, in spite of all our modern medical advances these diseases remain just as dire as they were two hunderd ears earlier. We could continue this list. In the past for instance, rubella was the most common cause of congenital deafness, and mumps a major cause of sterillty. children who survived the measles, meanwhile, ran and still run the risk of the virus reemerging years later as subacute sclerosing panencephalitis a frequently fatal infection of the brain. the point, however, is clear vaccination is neither a conspiracy, nor merely a matter of modern convenience, nor is it entirely without risk. But vaccination. Planinly put, is the only effective medical intervention to safeguard our children from some of hte deadliest and most virulent diseases known to man ( PASSAGE 2) let us dispense entirely with the fallacies and the delusion, there is not an analytically credible source on the planet that will defend a link between vaccines and autism spectrum disorder. But for many conscientius parents who choos not to vaccinate their children the decision is based not on delusion, but upon a simple, mathematical reality. philosophically medicine is premised on a blance between beneficence, and nonmaleficence. That is to say, for a medical intervention to be deemed ethical and appropriate, the risk of not treating an individual must always outweigh the risks inherent in the treatment itself. Risk accompanies every medic al interventio, and vaccination is no exception. Specifically, in a certain subset of individuals, exposure to either the gelatin or egg protein components used t stabilize vaccines can result in a life threatening anaphylactic reaction. Additionally, so called live-attenuated vaccines" , including those for varicella, rotavirus, and MMR, contain living strains of their corresponding pathogens that, through genetic modification have been re4ndered pathologically inert. Rarely, these attenuated strains may undergo mutation, and revert back to their pathogenic forms. Immunocompromised individuals, ssuch as those infected with HIV, are particularly at risk for this dangerous outcome while it is true that dadverse vaccine events are uncommon. it is equally true that, within the american population, most diseases against which vacinations protect are uncommon- more uncommon, in fact, than the incidence of adverse vaccine events Thus, so long as the majority of the american population remains vaccinated an unvaccinated individual will be well protected through a phenonenon described as herd immunity. " the decision not to vaccinate, therefore, hangs upon an appreciation of the dynamic balance between beneficence and nonmaleficence as it pertains to the individual. While some may argue that taking advantage of such a strategy violates an ethical obligation to society, one cannot help but wonder, when presented with the numbers, will these individuals truly value the health of society above that of their children? their math , I would wager, just doesn't add up.
(Q) 29.The author of passage 2 would most likely respond to the final sentence of passage 1 (lines 57-60) by stating that it
contradicts widespread thinking
needs an important qualification
is overly influenced by popular opinion
is insufficiently paranoid
The correct Answer is:B
The final sentence of the first passage suggests that vaccinations are the only option to protect our children passage 2 acknowledges the need for general vaccination, but ultimately understands that in a vaccinated population, a parent can actually protect a child from more common riskes via the choice to not vaccinate. Sop, (B) is righ here. Both agree that vaccination is more widespread than not. And the authore or passage 2 still recognizes the need for the general population to be vaccinated, ruling out the other options.
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Below is the beginning of Harriet beecher stowe's 1852 novel. Uncle tom's cabin. Her own remark on te chapter is as follows: in which the redder is introduced to a man of humanity. Late in the afternoon of a chilly day in february two genelemen were sitting over their a well furnished parlour in the line town of P--- in kentucky in the midst of an earnest conversation. That is the way i should arrange the matter, said Mr. shelby, the owner of the place. the fact is Tome is an uncommon fellow, he is certainly worth that sum anywheree steady, honest, capable, manges my farm lie a clock. You ought to let him cover the whole of the debt, and you would, haley, if you'd got any conscience. " Well, I've got just as much conscience as any man in business can afford to keep, siad haley, and I',m willing to do anything to blige friends, but this yer, ye see, is too hard on a feller, it really is. haven't you a boy or gal on a feller, it realyy in with tom? Hum-- none that I Could well spare, to tell te truth, it s only hard necessity makes me sell at all." Here the door opened, and a small quadroon boy, remarkably beauti-ful and engaging, entered with a comic air of assurance which showed e was used to being petted and noticed by his master. hulloa. Jim crow," said mr. shelby, snapping a bunch of raisins towards him, " pick that up, Now the child scampered, with all his little strength after the prze while his master laughed. tel you what siad haley, " Fling in that cahp, and I' ll settle the business, I wil. At this moment a young woma. obviously the child's mother, came in search of him, and haley, as soon as she had carried him away, turned to mr. Shelby in admiration. By jupiter said the trader, there's an article now you might make your fortune on that one gal in orleans, any way what shall I say for her? What'll you take? " Mr haley, she is not to be sold. I say no, and I mean no," said Mr. shelby. decidedly. Well. you'll let me have the boy, though i would rather not sell him, '' said Mr. i would rather not sell him. Said mr' Shelby, the fact is I' m a humane man, and I hate to take the boy from his mother, sir. Oh, you do? la, Yes, I understand per-factly. It is mighty unpleasant getting on fectly. It is mighty unpleasant getting on with women sometimes. I al' ays hates these with women sometimes. I al' as hates these with women sometimes. I al' ays hates these yer screechin times. As I manages business. I generally avoids em, sir. now, what if you get the gal off for a day or so? then the thing's done quietly. it 's always best to do the humane thing. sir, that's been my experience." "I'd lie to have been able to kick the fellow down the steps, siad mr. shelby to himself, when the trader had bowed himself himself, when the trader had bowed humself out. And Eliza's child. too I know I shal have some fuss with the wife about that, and for that matter, about tom, too so much for being in dibt, heigho the prayer-meeting at uncle tome's cabin had been protracted to a very late hour, and Tom and his worthy helpmeet were not yet asleep, when between twelve and one there was a light tap on the window pane good Lord what that said Aunt chloe, starting up. My sakes alive it it aint Lizzy Get on your clothes, old man, quick. I'm gwine to open the door. and suiting the action to the word, the door flew open and the light of the candle wich Tom had hastily lighted. fell on the face of elizxa. I' m running away. Uncle tom and aunt chloe__ carrying off my child. Master sold him. " " Sold him? echoed both. holding up their hands in dismay. " Yes. sold him said eliza firmly. ' I crept into ther closet by mistre4ss's door to night, and I heard master tel missus that he had sold my harry and you , Uncle tom, both to a trader, and that the man was to take posses- sion to - day" Slowly, as the meaning of this speech came over Tom, he collapsed on his old chair, and sunk his head on his knees.
1. Which choice provides the best summary of what happened in the passage?
View SolutionDavid Benson was a timid boy born to parents who had long since stopped worrying about having children. Willie and Louise had three grown girls, the youngest was nineteen and leaving to cosmetology school the year David was born. Louise had suspected an arsenal of health issuesbefore realizing she was with child, and even then, she waited another three weeks to tell her unsuspectinghusband long ago, when he had just taken over the farm and his body was strong and his dreams were considerable, whillie had wanted a son more than anything else. he had hopes of expanding his property, becoming a rich man, and gaining repect in town- these were all things that never came which he planned to pass on to the son who came far too late. By the time david was born, more than half the farm had been divided and sold, and willie kept only a handful of hired hands to tend hi8s small share of the land while he drove semi trucks fifty hours a week to supplement his meager income. David was an oversensitive, misunder stood boy. He learned quickly that his mother was far to otired to love him as she had the girls. his fater , often absent, seemed distant and begrudging around David. So it was that David, from the age of four on, often wandered the farm alonge contemplating the burly pigs or collecting berries and nuts or simply doing his best to avoid the sinister silence that was home. When David was ten, he felt that he would have his first adventure. Mr. harding, and old friend of his father who had a boy just two years older than david, offered to let david stay with them in town. It'd be easier on Louise id she didn't have to drive the boy to and from school, and David would e happier having Michael to keep him company DAvid could spend weekends on the farm and hekp willie with the chores, of sourse. For the first time in his flife, David felt that whatever he was missing he was sure to disappear in town. But whatever it was that David was looking for he didn't find it with the Hardings. Mr. Harding was a bioisterous banker who found David's shyness unbarable. Mrs. harding was a rather large woman who spent ninetenths of her day cooking and grew solemn when David refused second helpings. And in Michael, David found only a combative stranger who held a singular interest, reding his bicycle around the town square in search of the coverted sara ridenour David had just turned fourteen when walking back from school, he heard the pathetic whimper. The puppy was small obviously malnourished and feeble and much too young to be away from its mothe. David removed his jacket and coddled the pup against his chest as he walked briskly back to the hardings rehearsing what the might say. To his surprise, Mr. Harding's only requests were theat david keep the frail animal in his own rom and dispose of it once it was either healthy enough to live on its won or dead, These conditions seeemed quite fiir to david, and day ad night, he dedicated himself to restoring the health of finnegan, the boy's very first friend. the puppy slept on his chest, suckled milk from a bottle, and moaned softly when David wiped his failing body. In the end, david's devoltion was not nearly enough, and just sidx days after his rescue, the puppys underdeveloped organs failed him. david's anguish was palpable, and mrs. Harding., in a rare moment of compas sion, suggested that michael help David bury the gpoor animal in a proper manner.A half- mile into the woods on the west side of town, Michael dug a hole while david wept inconsolably, clutching the tiny shoebox made coffin. When the hole was plenty deep, Michael, embarrassed, exucsed himself to allow david a minute alone to dispose of his beloved companion. After fifteen minutes long after michael had expected David to trudge back out of the woods, muddy and sobbing Michael walked annoyingly back to the burial site. he planned on telling david frankly that this was no way to act about a silly dog. Instead, Michael found the hole still empty and David nowhere to be found. Later, the police would make him repeat the story aganin and again.
(Q) 1. which choice best summarizes the passage?
View Solutionकैंसर के उपचार में प्रयोग की जाने वाली अक्रिय गैस का नाम तथा संकेत लिखिए ।
View Solutionजल प्रदूषण से आप क्या समझते है ? यह कितने प्रकार का होता है ? गंगा नदी के प्रदूषण के कारणों तथा नियन्त्रण विधीयो का वर्णन कीजिए ।
View Solutionजल प्रदूषण से आप क्या समझते है ? नदियों के प्रदूषण के कारणों और उनके नियंत्रण के उपाय लीखिए ।
View Solutionकिसी सेल का टर्मिनल विभवान्तर 1.6 वोल्ट हैं जब इससे 0.6 ऐम्पियर की धारा ली जाती हैं। यह 1.3 वोल्ट हो जाता है। यदि 0.8 ऐम्पियर की धारा ली जाती हैं। सेल का वि0 वा0 ब0 तथा आन्तरिक प्रतिरोध निकालिए।
View Solutionसंलग्न चित्र में, यदि धारामापी G में कोई विक्षेप नहीं हैं तो एक दशा में प्रतिरोध R का मान तथा इसमें प्रवाहित धारा का मान परिकलित कीजिए ।
View Solutionएक प्रेरक के बहने वाली धारा, i=4+12t द्वारा दी जाती है, जहाँ I ऐम्पियर में तथा t सेकण्ड में है | इसमें स्वप्रेरित विधुत वाहक बल 12 mV है | ज्ञात कीजिए- (i) स्वप्रेरकत्व, तथा (ii) t=1 सेकण्ड पर प्रेरक में संचित ऊर्जा एवं इसको प्रदान की गयी शक्ति |
View Solutionरेलवे के आधे टिकट का मूल्य पूरे किराये का आधा तथा आरक्षण व्यय पूरे टिकट के समान है। मुम्बई से अहमदाबाद एक आरक्षित टिकट का मूल्य 216 तथा एक पूरे तथा एक आधे टिकट के आरक्षण का कुल मूल्य 327 है। प्रथम श्रेणी टिकट का आधार मूल्य तथा आरक्षण व्यय ज्ञात कीजिए।
View Solutionयदि 3 नल एक साथ खोले जाए तो एक टंकी को 3 घण्टे में भरते हैं। एक नल अकेले इसे 10 घण्टे में तथा दूसरा नल इस 15 घण्टे में भर सकता है। तीसरा नल इसे अकेले कितने घण्टे में भर सकता है?
View Solutionसमस्याओ में रेखिक समीकरण युग्म बनाइए और उनके हल प्रतिस्थापन विधि द्वारा ज्ञात कीजिए :
यदि किसी भिन्न के अश और हर दोनों में 2 जोड़ दिया जाए, तो वह 911 हो जाती है ।यदि अश और हर दोनों में 3 जोड़ दिया जाए , तो वह 56 हो जाती है । वह भिन्न ज्ञात कीजिए ।
View SolutionNa तथा Mg क्रमश: bcc तथा fcc के रूप में क्रिस्ट्लित होते हैं तब Na तथा Mg की उनकी इकाई सेलो में परमाणुओं की संख्या क्रमश: होगी :
View Solutionप्रयोग के आधार पर एक धातु ऑक्साइड का सूत्र M0.98O पाया गया । यदि धातु M इस ऑक्साइड में M2+ और M3+ के रूप में विघमान हो तो धातु का जो प्रभाज M3+ के रूप में होगा, वह है :
View Solutionसमान चालकता सेल में लिए गए दो विलयनों A तथा B के प्रतिरोध क्रमशः 50 ओम तथा 100 ओम है । यदि A व B के सामान आयतन मिला दिए जाये तो सामान चालकता सेल में मिश्रण का प्रतिरोध क्या होगा ?
(मोल A व B को मिलाने पर वियोजन की मात्रा में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं होता है)
View Solutionएक अभिक्रिया इस प्रकार से है -
अभिक्रिया Ag+/Ag व Cd2+/Cd के लिए मानक अपचयन विभव +0.80 तथा −0.40V है | (a) सेल का मानक वाहक बल (E∘)क्या है ?
(b) यदि Cd की सांद्रता 1M से घटाकर 0.1 M कर दें तो विधुत वाहक बल पर क्या प्रभाव होगा ?
View SolutionCu/Cu2+ तथा Ag/Ag+ युग्म से निर्मित उस सेल का निर्माण करो जिसका धनात्मक हो दिया है E∘Cu/Cu2+=−0.337V एवं E∘Ag/Ag+=−0.799V साथ ही यदि Cu2+ की सांद्रता 0.01M हो तो Ag+ की वह सांद्रता ज्ञात करो जब 298K पर सेल का EMF शून्य होगा ।
View Solution