The Slums You're driving and suddenly, out of nowhere, you end up in a very bad part of town. It looks very different from the neighborhood you have just passed-the streets are rough and pot-holed,the windows are boarded up,most stores are closed down and the ones that aren't are covered in spray paint. You might turn the car around or lock your doors nervously or ask your iPhone to reroute. And you unease isn,t unwaratned: these areas have the highest crime rates, the highest unemployment rates,the lowest graduation rates, the lowest medicine incomes, etc. But how did it get this way? The answer may lie in residental segregation, or the sorting of population groups into areas to shape living environments. Residental segregation occurs on racial, ethnic and income scales, but historically, African Americans are the most residentially segerated. The idea is to isolate neighborhood context to make certain areas more appealing to specific population groups. And while it may not be obvious how grouping "like" populations can be create slums, it is proven to produce negative socioeconomic outcomes for miniority groups. Let us first consider the example of Baltimore, where a century of public policies segregared metoropolitan landscapes and turned "black neighborhood" into overcrowded slums. In 1910, residental segregation ordinances restricted African Americans to certain blocks and created federal housing subssidies that directed low income black families away from milldle class suburds. Additionally, favourable subsidies wered denied to subsdivisions that refused to exclude African Americans entirely. Real estate agencies began directing prospective buyers and/or reneters to restrictive areas and banks began redlining, or failing to insure mortagages in black neighborhood. The result of these policies is clear. The federal government prohibited black families from accumulating housing equity and coerced blacks into homes with higher interest rates, while local jurdictions forced public housing into designated areas and created overcrowded,under-resourced neighborhood. The schools saw education deteriorate as teachers were overwhelmed with remediation and discipline, and unable to spend the necessary time on grade-level curriculum. Wxclusionary zoning area, business closing down and future investments collapsing. Without employment opportunities, the poor became poorer, anxious and more isolated. In Chicago, a similar pattern occurrned. Gentrification, or renovation to improve property values, forced the poor out of certain areas and streeted them toward others. Homeowners were restricted from selling to black and bllack families did purchase homes,it was at an average of one-third higher interest rate. THe housing starved African Americans were pushed into segregrated neighborhoods via urban renewal plans, and municipal resources were reserved for white neighborhood. Unemployment rates soared,public school system had more students than their budgets allowed, understaffed police departments responded to violence with violwnce and impoverished blacks turned to criminal activity to make money and gain protection. St.Louis County has a history of state-sponsored segregation that is directly responsible for police-community hostility in its surroundings areas. Zoning rules have continously classified white neighborhood as"residential" and black neighborhoods as "commercial" or "industrial" leaving the letter starving for resources and ample law enforcement. Discrimination practices still allow landlords to refuse to accept tenants with subsidized rents, while relocation assistance programs offer incentives to familities that comply with the city's population shifts. In essence, ferdral regulations enforce the continuance of "ghettos" or slums that are undoubtedly connected to distrust and violent protests. Whether caused by exclusionary zoning, public housing enforcement, gentrification, white flight or a combination of all these factors and more, a history of residental segregation has purposely imposed areas of poverty, unemployemnt and lack of necessary resources like healthcare,education and security. The effects speak for themselves every time you accidently drive into the slums, populations begin to associate the African Americans who live there with slum charateristics, erronesoulsy mistaking the cause for the effects. Is it any wonder that the inhibitants find themselves angry,desperate and distrustful?
Q. As used in lines 40-41, the phrase "responded to voilence with violence" most directly means
police responded to criminal acts with harsh reprisals.
police and citizens were engaged in open civil war.
an aye for makes the whole world go blind.
the voilance of both criminals and police negated one another.
The correct Answer is:A
(A) Accourding to the context,urban renewal plans created an array of trouble for residentially segregated neighborhoods, including police departments who-without adequate staff and resources-"responded to violence with violence." We can infer that this means the police felt unable to control certain circumstances and instead,reached aggressively.
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View SolutionBased on the evidence in the graph,which of the following is true?
View Solutionकिन्ही दो विनाइट्रीकारी है जीवाणुऔ के नाम लिखिए ।
View Solutionसंयोजक कड़ी से आप क्या समझते है? उस जीवश्म जंतु का नाम बताइए जो प्रमाणित करता है की पक्षियों का विकास सरीसृपों से हुआ है!
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View Solutionएक मिश्र ऑक्साइड की संरचना घनीय बंद संकुलन (c.c.p) है । मिश्र ऑक्साइड का घन यूनिट सेल ऑक्साइड आयनो का बना है । चतुष्फलकीय (tetrahedral) रिक्ति स्थानों का एक चौथाई भाग द्विसंयोजक धातु A द्वारा तथा अष्टफलकीय (octahedral) रिक्ति स्थान एकसंयोजक धातु B द्वारा भरे होते हैं । ऑक्साइड का सूत्र होगा :
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(मोल A व B को मिलाने पर वियोजन की मात्रा में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं होता है)
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