Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

With winter having set in and temperatures dropping, flock (a) ____(in, with, for, of) migratory birds, some (b) ______ (for, with, from in) as far away as Africa and Europe, (c ) ____ (are, is, have, has) started arriving in the capital. Birders across NCR have already (d) _____ (make, making,will make, made) a number of rare sightings, including a scaly thrush and a brown-breasted flycatcher (e )_____ (spotted, spot, spotting, spots) near Mangar Bani, a lesser white-fronted goose (f) ______( of, with, at, from) Dighal, and a white-capped red-start near Sonipat. Birder Anand Arya (g) _____ (which, whose, who, that) had spotted the lesser white-fronted goose last year said it was (h) ______ (sighted, sight, sighting, will sight) at Dighal, Haryana in November.

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(a) of (b) from (c ) have (d) made (e ) spotted (f) at (g) who (h) sighted
