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Define speed. What is its S.I. unit?

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Step-by-Step Text Solution

1. Definition of Speed:
- Speed is defined as the rate at which an object covers distance. It indicates how fast an object is moving. Mathematically, speed can be expressed as:
This means that speed is calculated by dividing the total distance traveled by the total time taken to travel that distance.

2. S.I. Unit of Speed:
- The S.I. (International System of Units) unit for speed is meters per second (m/s). This unit indicates how many meters an object travels in one second.

3. Dimensional Formula:
- The dimensional formula for speed can be expressed as:
where L represents length (distance) and T represents time. Thus, the dimension of speed is expressed as LT1.

Summary of the Answer:
- Speed: The rate at which an object covers distance.
- S.I. Unit: Meters per second (m/s).
- Dimensional Formula: LT1.

