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Define work. Give example of zero work

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Solution

Step 1: Define Work
Work is defined as the transfer of energy by a force acting on an object as it is displaced. In simpler terms, work is done when a force causes an object to move a certain distance.

Step 2: Formula for Work
The formula for calculating work done (W) is given by:
- W is the work done,
- F is the force applied, and
- d is the displacement of the object in the direction of the force.

Step 3: Conditions for Zero Work
Zero work can occur under two specific conditions:
1. When no force is applied to the object.
2. When the object does not move, meaning the displacement is zero.

Step 4: Example of Zero Work
An example of zero work is when a person is standing still while carrying a heavy bag on their head. Although they may feel tired and are using energy to hold the bag, there is no displacement since they are not moving. Therefore, the work done in this scenario is zero.
