Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Differentiate between a real and a virtual image.

Video Solution
Text Solution
Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Image:
- An image is formed by the intersection of reflected rays of light.

2. Real Image:
- A real image is formed when the reflected rays actually converge at a point.
- This means that the rays of light physically meet at the location of the image.
- Real images can be projected onto a screen because they exist at a specific location in space.

3. Virtual Image:
- A virtual image is formed when the reflected rays appear to diverge from a point.
- In this case, the rays do not actually meet; instead, they seem to originate from a point behind the mirror or lens.
- Virtual images cannot be projected onto a screen because they do not exist at a specific location in space.

4. Inversion:
- A real image is inverted in relation to the object. This means that if the object is upright, the real image will be upside down.
- A virtual image, on the other hand, is erect in relation to the object. This means that if the object is upright, the virtual image will also appear upright.

5. Summary of Differences:
- Formation: Real images are formed by actual convergence of rays; virtual images are formed by the apparent divergence of rays.
- Screen Projection: Real images can be projected onto a screen; virtual images cannot be projected onto a screen.
- Orientation: Real images are inverted; virtual images are erect.
