Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

During shadow formation, penumbra is seen


inside the umbra


outside the umbra


away from the umbra


none of these

Video Solution
Text Solution
Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Shadow Formation:
- A shadow is formed when an opaque object blocks the light from a light source. The light cannot pass through the opaque object, resulting in a dark area behind it.

2. Identifying the Parts of a Shadow:
- When an object blocks light, two regions are formed:
- Umbra: This is the central, darkest part of the shadow where no light reaches.
- Penumbra: This is the region surrounding the umbra where some light does reach, resulting in partial darkness.

3. Position of Penumbra:
- The penumbra is located outside the umbra. It is the area where the light is partially blocked, allowing some light to illuminate the region.

4. Conclusion:
- Therefore, during shadow formation, the penumbra is seen outside the umbra.

5. Final Answer:
- The correct answer to the question is: outside Umbra.
