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Explain liquid pressure. On what factors does it depend and how?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Liquid Pressure:
- Liquid pressure is the pressure exerted by a liquid at a certain depth due to the weight of the liquid above it. It is defined as the force exerted by the liquid per unit area.

2. Factors Affecting Liquid Pressure:
- Liquid pressure depends on three main factors:
- Density of the Liquid (ρ): The mass per unit volume of the liquid. A denser liquid will exert more pressure at a given depth compared to a less dense liquid.
- Acceleration due to Gravity (g): The force of gravity acting on the liquid. The greater the gravitational pull, the higher the pressure exerted by the liquid.
- Depth within the Liquid (h): The deeper you go into the liquid, the more liquid is above you, which increases the pressure.

3. Mathematical Representation:
- The relationship between these factors can be expressed with the formula:
- P = liquid pressure
- ρ = density of the liquid
- g = acceleration due to gravity
- h = depth of the liquid

4. Linear Increase of Pressure:
- It is important to note that the pressure within a static liquid increases linearly with increasing depth. This means that for every unit increase in depth, the pressure increases by a constant amount, provided the density and gravitational acceleration remain constant.

5. Conclusion:
- In summary, liquid pressure is influenced by the density of the liquid, the gravitational force acting on it, and the depth within the liquid. Understanding these factors helps us comprehend how pressure behaves in fluids.
