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Explain the following terms :
Plane mirror

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Plane Mirror: A plane mirror is a flat, reflective surface that is used to produce images through reflection.

2. Structure of Plane Mirror: A plane mirror consists of two main components:
- Thin Glass Sheet: This is the base of the mirror that provides stability and support. It can be either thin or thick, but it is typically made of clear glass.
- Reflecting Surface: This is a highly polished coating applied to one side of the glass. Common materials for this coating include silver or aluminum, which are known for their reflective properties.

3. Properties of Plane Mirror:
- The surface of a plane mirror is smooth and polished, allowing for clear reflections.
- The image produced by a plane mirror is virtual, meaning it cannot be projected onto a screen. The image appears to be located behind the mirror.

4. Function of Plane Mirror: The primary function of a plane mirror is to reflect light, allowing us to see our own image or the images of objects in front of it.

5. Applications: Plane mirrors are commonly used in everyday life, such as in bathrooms, dressing rooms, and vehicles, for personal grooming and safety.
