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Explain the inertia of rest through some examples.

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Text Solution
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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

Step 1: Define Inertia of Rest
Inertia of rest is a property of an object that describes its tendency to remain at rest unless acted upon by an external force. This means that if an object is not moving, it will not start moving on its own.

Step 2: Example 1 - Bus Starting
Consider a scenario where you are sitting in a bus that is at rest. When the bus suddenly starts moving, your body tends to remain in its state of rest due to inertia. As the bus accelerates forward, your body feels a backward push. This is because the lower part of your body (in contact with the seat) moves with the bus, while the upper part of your body tries to stay at rest. This illustrates the inertia of rest.

Step 3: Example 2 - Jerking a Branch
Another example is when you pull a branch of a tree quickly. If there is a fruit hanging from that branch, when you jerk the branch, it moves away quickly. However, the fruit, due to its inertia of rest, tends to stay in its original position. As a result, the fruit detaches from the branch and falls to the ground. This demonstrates how inertia of rest can cause an object to remain in its state of rest even when the object it is attached to moves.

Step 4: Conclusion
In both examples, we see that objects at rest tend to stay at rest unless acted upon by an external force. This is the essence of the inertia of rest.

