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Explain the method of plotting magnetic field lines by using a small compass needle.

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To plot magnetic field lines using a small compass needle, follow these steps:

1. Gather Materials:
- You will need a bar magnet and a small compass needle.

2. Identify the Poles of the Magnet:
- Recognize the North (N) and South (S) poles of the bar magnet. The North pole is usually marked or can be identified as the end of the magnet that points towards the Earth's North when suspended freely.

3. Place the Compass Near the Magnet:
- Start by placing the compass needle at a point near one of the poles of the magnet, preferably near the South pole.

4. Observe the Compass Needle:
- The compass needle will align itself with the magnetic field. It will rotate until it points in the direction of the magnetic field lines.

5. Mark the Direction:
- Once the compass needle stabilizes, mark the direction it points. This indicates the direction of the magnetic field lines at that point.

6. Repeat the Process:
- Move the compass needle to a new position near the magnet and repeat the observation. Continue this process, moving the compass needle to various locations around the magnet.

7. Draw the Magnetic Field Lines:
- Connect the points you have marked to create smooth curves that represent the magnetic field lines. Remember that magnetic field lines emerge from the North pole and enter the South pole.

8. Finalize the Diagram:
- Continue to add more points and connect them until you have a complete representation of the magnetic field lines around the magnet. The lines should not intersect and should show the direction of the magnetic field.
