Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

In an electric kettle,_________energy is changed__________energy ?


electric, magnetic


mechanical, electric


electric, heat


electric, light

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Electric Kettle: An electric kettle is a device that uses electricity to heat water. It is important to identify the type of energy it uses and what it produces.

2. Identifying the Input Energy: The electric kettle requires an input of electrical energy. This is the energy that comes from plugging the kettle into an electrical outlet.

3. Energy Transformation: The primary function of the electric kettle is to convert the electrical energy into another form of energy. In this case, the electrical energy is transformed into heat energy.

4. Output Energy: The heat energy produced is used to heat the water inside the kettle, allowing it to boil or cook food.

5. Final Answer: Therefore, in an electric kettle, electrical energy is changed into heat energy.

Complete Answer: In an electric kettle, electrical energy is changed into heat energy.

