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In reference to a wave motion ,define the term frequency

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Definition of Frequency: In wave motion, frequency refers to the number of complete cycles of the wave that occur in a unit of time, typically measured in one second.

2. Understanding Cycles: A cycle in wave motion is defined as one complete oscillation or wave pattern. For instance, in a sine wave, one cycle is completed when the wave goes from its starting point, rises to its peak, descends back to the starting point, and then goes to its lowest point before returning to the starting point.

3. Measurement of Frequency: To measure frequency, we count how many complete cycles occur in one second. For example, if a wave completes 3 cycles in one second, we say that the frequency of the wave is 3 cycles per second.

4. Unit of Frequency: The standard unit of frequency is Hertz (Hz), where 1 Hz is equal to one cycle per second. Therefore, if a wave has a frequency of 3 Hz, it means that 3 cycles are completed in one second.

5. Conclusion: Thus, frequency in wave motion is a crucial concept that helps us understand how often a wave oscillates over time, and it is quantitatively expressed in Hertz.

