Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Sound is produced when a body............

Video Solution
Text Solution
Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Sound Production: Sound is a type of mechanical wave that is produced when an object vibrates.

2. Vibration of a Body: When a body (like a string, drum, or vocal cords) vibrates, it causes the surrounding medium (air, water, etc.) to also vibrate.

3. Medium Propagation: The vibrations created by the vibrating body are transferred to the atoms and molecules of the surrounding medium. This transfer of energy allows the sound waves to travel through the medium.

4. Reaching the Ear: Eventually, these sound waves reach our ears. Our ears are sensitive to certain frequencies of sound, allowing us to hear the vibrations as sound.

5. Conclusion: Therefore, sound is produced when a body vibrates, causing vibrations in the surrounding medium, which then travel to our ears.

