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State Pascal's law for the transmission of pressure in enclosed liquids.

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Understanding the Concept: Pascal's law pertains to fluids and how pressure is transmitted in enclosed systems. It is essential to grasp that this law applies specifically to liquids that are contained within a closed environment.

2. State the Law: Pascal's law states that when there is a change in pressure applied to an enclosed fluid, that change in pressure is transmitted undiminished and equally throughout the entire fluid and to the walls of the container.

3. Illustration of the Law: Imagine a container completely filled with a liquid. If you apply pressure at any point in the liquid, that pressure change is felt equally at all points within the liquid and also on the walls of the container. This means that every part of the liquid experiences the same increase or decrease in pressure.

4. Conclusion: Therefore, Pascal's law highlights the uniformity of pressure transmission in enclosed liquids, which is fundamental in various applications, such as hydraulic systems.

