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What are fluids ? Give their important characteristic.

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1. Definition of Fluids:
- Fluids are substances that do not have a fixed shape and can easily change their shape when subjected to external forces. This category includes both liquids and gases.

2. Important Characteristics of Fluids:
- Density:
- Density is defined as the mass of the fluid per unit volume. It is a crucial property that affects how fluids behave under various conditions.
- Temperature:
- Temperature indicates the thermal state of the fluid, which influences its properties. For instance, the viscosity of a fluid changes with temperature.
- Viscosity:
- Viscosity is a measure of a fluid's resistance to flow. It is affected by temperature; as temperature increases, the viscosity of liquids typically decreases, while for gases, viscosity tends to increase.
- Surface Tension:
- Surface tension is the force that acts on the surface of a liquid, causing it to behave like a stretched elastic membrane. It is defined as the force per unit length acting at the surface of a liquid.
- Pressure:
- Pressure in fluids is defined as the force exerted per unit area. It is a fundamental characteristic that influences fluid behavior in various applications.

3. Summary of Characteristics:
- The main characteristics of fluids include density, temperature, viscosity, surface tension, and pressure. These properties are essential for understanding fluid dynamics and behavior in different scenarios.
