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What are forced oscillations? Give one example.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Oscillation:
- Oscillation refers to the repetitive back-and-forth motion of an object around a fixed point. This motion can be described as a to-and-fro movement.

2. Understanding Forced Oscillations:
- Forced oscillations occur when an external force is continuously applied to a system that is already oscillating. This external force compensates for energy losses that occur due to factors such as friction or air resistance.

3. Energy Loss in Oscillations:
- In a real-world scenario, oscillating systems lose energy over time, which can lead to a decrease in amplitude. To maintain a constant amplitude, an external force must be applied.

4. Characteristics of Forced Oscillations:
- In forced oscillations, the amplitude remains constant as long as the external force is applied. This is different from simple harmonic motion, where the amplitude remains constant without any external force.

5. Example of Forced Oscillation:
- A common example of forced oscillation is a swing. When a boy is sitting on a swing and someone pushes him from behind, the push represents the external force. As long as the person continues to push the swing, it will keep oscillating with a constant amplitude.
