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What do you mean by change of state? Name any two change of state.

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Understanding Change of State:
- Change of state refers to the process in which a substance transforms from one state of matter to another. The three primary states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas.

2. Examples of Change of State:
- When a solid turns into a liquid, this process is known as melting. For example, when ice (solid) melts, it becomes water (liquid).
- Another example is when a solid changes directly into a gas without first becoming a liquid. This process is called sublimation. An example of sublimation is dry ice (solid carbon dioxide) turning directly into carbon dioxide gas.

3. Naming Two Changes of State:
- The two changes of state mentioned are:
- Melting (solid to liquid)
- Sublimation (solid to gas)
