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What is a couple ? What effect does it have on a body ?

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Step-by-Step Solution

Step 1: Definition of a Couple
A couple consists of two equal and opposite forces acting on a body. These forces are equal in magnitude but act in opposite directions. The key characteristic of a couple is that the forces do not produce any translational motion, but rather they create a rotational effect.

Step 2: Properties of a Couple
1. Equal Magnitude: The forces in a couple are always of equal magnitude.
2. Opposite Directions: The forces act in opposite directions.
3. Equal Distance from a Fixed Point: The forces are applied at equal distances from a fixed point (the pivot point).

Step 3: Effect of a Couple on a Body
When a couple acts on a body, it produces a torque (or moment) about the pivot point. The net force on the body is zero, which means there is no translational motion. However, the torque generated by the couple causes the body to rotate about the pivot point.

Step 4: Torque Calculation
The torque (τ) produced by a couple can be calculated using the formula:
where F is the magnitude of one of the forces and d is the perpendicular distance between the lines of action of the forces.

Step 5: Conclusion
In summary, a couple is defined as two equal and opposite forces acting on a body, which results in a rotational effect without any translational motion. The net force is zero, but the torque produced causes the body to rotate about a fixed point.

