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What is a rigit body? Give Examples.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of a Rigid Body:
A rigid body is defined as an idealized solid object in which the distance between any two points within the body remains constant, regardless of the external forces applied to it. This means that when an external force is applied, the body does not deform or change shape.

2. Characteristics of a Rigid Body:
- No Deformation: When an external force is applied, there is no change in the shape or size of the body.
- Constant Distance: The distance between any two points within the body remains unchanged.
- Idealization: In reality, all materials will experience some deformation under sufficient force, but for the purposes of physics, we consider rigid bodies as an idealization.

3. Examples of Rigid Bodies:
- Bridges: When a person stands on a bridge, it does not deform significantly. However, if a heavy truck is placed on it, there may be slight deformation, but for small loads, it can be treated as a rigid body.
- Vehicles: Cars or buses can be considered rigid bodies when they are not under extreme stress.
- Structural Elements: Beams, columns, and frames in buildings can also be treated as rigid bodies under normal conditions.
- Molecules: In a more abstract sense, the arrangement of protons and electrons in a molecule can be treated as a rigid body since the distances between these particles remain relatively constant under normal conditions.
