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What is meant by circular motion? Give one example.

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Definition of Circular Motion:
Circular motion refers to the motion of an object that moves along the circumference of a circular path. This means that the object is continuously changing its direction as it travels around the circle.

2. Types of Circular Motion:
- Uniform Circular Motion: In this type of motion, the object moves along the circular path with a constant speed. Although the speed remains constant, the direction of the object changes continuously.
- Non-Uniform Circular Motion: In this type, the object moves along the circular path but with varying speed. Here, both the speed and the direction of the object change.

3. Example of Circular Motion:
An example of circular motion is the motion of a satellite orbiting around the Earth. The satellite travels in a circular path around the Earth, continuously changing its direction while maintaining a constant speed. Another simple example is the motion of a pen being rotated in a circular manner.
