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What is meant by unification?

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Concept of Unification:
- Unification refers to the process of combining different theories or laws that apply to various phenomena into a single, cohesive theory.

2. Definition of Unification:
- It is defined as the act or concept of unifying different laws that are valid for different phenomena.

3. Purpose of Unification:
- The main goal of unification is to create a single theory that can explain all the different phenomena under one framework.

4. Examples of Unification:
- A classic example of unification in physics is the unification of electricity and magnetism into the theory of electromagnetism.

5. Importance of Unification:
- Unification helps in simplifying our understanding of the natural world by reducing the number of separate theories we need to consider.
