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What is MODEM ?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of MODEM: A MODEM is a device that stands for "Modulator-Demodulator." It is used in communication systems to convert digital data from a computer into an analog signal for transmission over telephone lines and vice versa.

2. Function of Modulation: When transmitting data, the MODEM acts as a modulator. This means it takes the digital signals (binary data) from a computer and modulates them into analog signals that can be sent over communication channels.

3. Function of Demodulation: When receiving data, the MODEM acts as a demodulator. It takes the incoming analog signals from the communication channel and demodulates them back into digital signals that can be understood by the computer.

4. Importance of MODEM: The MODEM is essential for enabling communication between digital devices over analog transmission mediums, such as telephone lines or cable systems.

5. Types of MODEMs: There are various types of MODEMs, including dial-up MODEMs, DSL MODEMs, and cable MODEMs, each suited for different types of communication systems.
