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What is Rectiffication ? Explain the working of a full-wave rectifier .

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Rectification : The process of converting alternating current (a.c.) into direct current (d.c) is called Rectification. Instruments used for rectification is called Rectifier. In a full wave rectifier two p-n diodes are connected at the output side of a center tapped transformer through a load resis- tance as shown.
The centre tap will divide the output.a.c. wave exactly into two equal halves say + ve half cycle and - ve half cycle. Let diode D 1 is connected to .+ve. half cycle then it is forward biased. So current flows through D 1 at the same time .-ve. half cycle is applied to diode D 2 so it is reverse biased and current does not flow through it. Hence we will get out put through diode D 1
As the applied a.c. wave is progressing we will get .+ve. half cycle to diode D 2 at that time diode D 2 is forward biased so current flows through D 2 . But now .-ve. half cycle is applied to diode D 1 . So it is in reverse bias hence current does not flow through D 1 .
In full wave rectifier diodes D 1 and D 2 will conduct current alternately. Even though output current oscillates between a mini- mum and maximum value it always passes through same direction
through load resistance ( R L ) . So input a.c. is rectified .
